Life's Been Good To Me Sew Far
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Sunday, November 3, 2024
4 Years ago...
4 years ago I was having to have my groceries delivered, and finding out half the stuff I ordered wasn't in stock. Some were replaced with brands I had never heard of.
4 years ago pop companies had to limit the flavors they could produce because of aluminum shortages.
4 years ago I was dealing with gallstone attacks. I told myself that it was just bad heartburn, but I knew. I was grateful for Joe Biden being president a year later because I had to have emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. I didn't have to go through it alone because Joe Biden knew what the fudge he was doing, got the pandemic under control, and got people vaccinated. Because of vaccinations, my mom could be there for me and my father was able to sit with me for a while.
4 years ago I was unable to be there for my brother, and hug him when he had to put his precious dog to sleep.
4 years ago I had to hope and pray for my sister and my niece and then my aunt and uncle, when they each tested positive for COVID19. You know, the virus that would just "go away."
4 years ago I watched the news to see more and more people losing their jobs because of closures and government-incentivized unemployment.
4 years ago an angry, selfish mad man who couldn't stand losing sent a mob to take over the country.
4 years ago nurses, doctors and hospital staff were wearing garbage bags (not to own the libs in some stupid stunt) because they didn't have the supplies they needed. They were working extra shifts, increasing their own risks of catching the deadly virus, because their co workers were sick or dying from COVID. Don't forget hospitals having to store bodies in refrigerator trucks.
So am I better off now than 4 years ago? The answer is a resounding H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks YES!!!
Friday, November 1, 2024
My Grandfather was a United States Army medic during WWII: He wasn't a Sucker!
My Grandpa served in the United States Navy: He wasn't a Sucker!
My father served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War: He was not a Sucker!
My uncle served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War: He was not a Sucker!
My nephew currently serves in the United States Navy: He is not a Sucker!
My brother's step-son served in the United States Army: He is not a Sucker!
The men and women who serve in our United States military are not Suckers or Losers!
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Food For Thought...
History has always fascinated me. The History Channel has a show called The Food That Built America.
One episode (I think it was Season 1Episode 6) was really enlightening. It was the history of one of the world's most recognized products. Heinz Ketchup. So, it turns out a German American named Henry John Heinz invented Ketchup based on a Chinese tomato sauce called catsup.
He made it to help cover up the taste of the meat that he and his family were eating. This was before the FDA, so meat was not great (boy, is that an understatement). If you want an eye opener about that, seriously, watch that episode. It will make you want to write a thank you letter to the FDA.
Henry Heinz is also the man who helped bring the problems of bad food to the government's attention. His competitors were selling so called "sauces" that had all kinds of crap in them that was not good for people to eat. It got so bad that he bought up the stock of the glass bottles that he used and sank them on a barge so his customers would not be fooled by inferior and likely deadly products.
Getting rid of the FDA (like has been thrown around) is not a good idea. You only have to watch that episode to see what would be in store for us if we do, and it's not good.
Isn't ironic that it's ketchup?
Random Searches...
Have you ever found yourself curious and making random searches on Google?
I have. I did a random search on the average life span of the people in America in the 1790's. Ya know, the time that America was so great and we had strong leaders.
Color me surprised when I saw the results...
Monday, October 28, 2024
A few months ago my mom and I had a discussion on when we first heard of Donald Trump.
I told her I heard about him from T.V. a long time ago. She guessed Home Alone 2. Nope, honestly I don't remember that one. She then guessed The Apprentice. Again, nope. I told her it was on Renegade. The look on her face was priceless.
Then of course I had to que up the scene. Yep, I own the entire Renegade series on DVD.
She was shocked that, not only did I know the episode, but the scene. I even quoted lines. Of the series, this scene is probably the one I remember the most.
Season One Episode One
Bobby Sixkiller to Donald "Dutch" Dixon: "Only in America, Lieutenant. Where everyday is the Wheel of Fortune. George Foreman, a black man raised in the ghetto, eats hamburgers-wins millions. Donald Trump, a white man raised in a mansion, eats caviar-loses millions. What a great country we live in, Lieutenant, where everyone gets a spin at the wheel"
I have known the truth about this guy since I was a kid sneaking to watch T.V. after bed time!
The only episode of The Apprentice I ever watched was in the season that had Lorenzo Lamas. Even he, my very first crush, couldn't get me to finish the episode, let alone a season of that show.
Fun Fact...
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This is mom's shirt that she gave me after mine wore out!!! |
The first concert I ever went to was James Taylor. My mom took my sister and me, Girls Night!!!
When she asked if I wanted to go I said "yes" because I didn't want to be left out (hey, I was only 10 at the time).She asked if I knew any of his songs. I said "no" so she let me borrow her cassette tape (yep that long ago).
That summer Mom took my brother, my Nona, and me on a road trip to the Grand Canyon and Four Corners. So, the whole road trip I listened to my Walkman (I know I am really dating myself) and learned all the lyrics to the whole tape, both sides.
I still remember that night. My mom bought me a Brisk Iced Tea. I drank the whole thing and we had to leave close to the end because I needed to pee (so much so that I didn't hesitate to use the port-a-potty, which if you knew me would know I don't use public bathrooms if I can help it). Unfortunately, mom missed the encore he performed at the end because of me. Ever sense I have been very cautious with how much liquids I drink when I'm out so we don't miss out on anything because of me again.